
Praying is everybody’s responsibility

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Praying should not be relegated to pastors only
Praying should not be relegated to pastors only

The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.’”
The New Testament is talking to us believers. This means that every believer is a priest.
He is a priest and assumes the duties and the behaviour of a priest. There are times people leave the duty of living holy lives to the so-called men of God.
We are to pray for ourselves as well as others. But there are times we heap the task of praying for us on others, yet we are priests to undertake such a thing.
In the old times, priests came from one tribe of Levi. This tribe was to offer different types of sacrifices to God on behalf of the people. This tribe of Levi was not given any piece of land for cultivation whereby all the other eleven tribes were supposed to fend for this tribe. Levi was a tribe of priests.
But when the cloth in the temple was torn, this privilege of praying to God directly through Jesus Christ has been given to everybody. Every believer is called to offer sacrifices of praise to God, to pray for him or other and live righteous lives. Every believer is also called to spread the gospel to the unreached world.
What about those who have not been called? There is no one who has not been called to serve God. The great commission given in Matthew 28 is for every believer.
Everyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour and Lord after repenting one’s sins is a child of God. The priesthood covers such a believer and the calling of Matthew 28 covers such a person as well.
The calling to the great commission is enough to make everyone go to work for Christ.
You may not have dreams calling you to serve God. People may not call you a man of God. That should not put you at unease. The truth remains that you are a child of God, called to serve as priest.
If you are not a man of God, whose man are you then? If you are waiting for a vision or dream to start serving God, whom are you serving right now? If you are waiting for a calling from God for you to step forward in His field, what do you think the great commission is calling right now?
Think again about serving God. You are a holy priesthood and not an ordinary person any more. n

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